Affairs at Work Christmas Parties: Do They Really Happen?

As the festive season gets into full swing, an increasing number of businesses will be planning their work Christmas parties. However, it seems that these office Christmas parties provide people with the perfect opportunity to commit infidelity and this is largely down to the presence of alcohol and the absence of the cheater’s partner. But is this something that happens in real life or just in the movies? Let’s see what the statistics have to say.

Infidelity facts surrounding work Christmas parties

According to Emotional Affair Journey, 44% of males who were asked admitted to having an affair with a colleague at an office Christmas party at least once in their working life. 49% of participants then said that they were willing to “go all the way” with a coworker if the opportunity to do so arose. Alarmingly, it was reported that 33% of those who were asked said that they had sexual relations with a fellow employee either during the party or after it had ended.

It was also reported by Emotional Affair Journey that 33% of males would be interested in getting “personal” with colleagues whilst 25% of women said that their boss had made a pass at them while the Christmas party was in full swing. In the same article, it was found that 41% of 18-30 year olds surveyed admitted to getting together with a coworker at the office Christmas party, with 13% of those saying they had sexual relations with a collegue whilst there and 6% of them said they had been caught in the act.

But can one actually find love at the work Christmas party, as a single person? claimed that 1 in 10 survey participants said they had started a relationship at the work Christmas party, with 25% of those people saying that this is how they met their spouse.

So what influences people to cheat during their annual work Christmas party? The argument is that alcohol is a likely contributing factor. Research done by illicitencounters found that two thirds of those who admitted to having an affair at the Christmas party had drunk alcohol before committing infidelity, although 32% of those people said they regretted doing it when the cold light of day hit. But are men or women more likely to be tempted to start an affair? The same research found that females, rather than males are more likely to start affairs – 35% compared to 31%.

Christian Grant, a spokesman for illicitencounters said; “beware of the Christmas party seasons because it is a hotbed for affairs. Sexual tensions which have been bubbling up over the course of the working year finally explode due to drink and the opportunity to grab a kiss under the mistletoe.”

What should I do if I suspect my partner is cheating on me?

If you suspect your partner of having an affair this Christmas or if you don’t trust them to attend their work Christmas party without being unfaithful to you, then you’ll be able to count on Delta 74 Private Investigations to help you. Before you confront the person in question, it’s important that you’re absolutely certain of their potential illicit activities and Delta 74 Private Investigations will be able to confirm this for you.

Whether you suspect your wife or girlfriend of being unfaithful or think that your boyfriend or husband is cheating on you, We’ll be able to provide you with a thorough, in-depth investigation and report as well as surveillance footage in a bid to put your mind at rest. We’re exceptionally meticulous in our operations and we remain impressively covert throughout the investigation.

We understand that this may be a difficult, confusing time for you and so you can rely on us to be as compassionate and as sensitive as possible when handling your case, regardless of circumstances. Our team of fully-qualified, highly-experienced private investigators in Derby work tirelessly around the clock in order to give you a solid answer to your question: is my partner cheating on me?

If you’d like more information about how we can help you today, whether you need cheating partner investigations to be carried out or even matrimonial investigations, get in touch with a member of our expert team – we’re always pleased to help.
Christmas Affair
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